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GIN7 Camomilla + GORGAZZINA Botanical Tonic Water (1 pz + 6pz)


Regular price €65,40

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GIN7 Camomilla + Gorgazzina Botanical Tonic Water

Prendi un bicchiere alto, non troppo largo (HighBall o Tumbler Alto) e riempilo di cubetti di ghiaccio. Versa 45 ml GIN7 Camomilla Fred Jerbis. Aggiungi la Gorgazzina Botanical tonic water e mescola delicatamente. Non serve guarnire


• n° 1  GIN7 Camomilla

• n° 6 Gorgazzina Botanical tonic water

Under normal conditions, the delivery time in Italy is 24/48h from the moment the order is taken over in the warehouse, which takes place within 24h from the order placed on the site.

Are you at least 18 years old?

Although Fred's distillates and liqueurs are natural and made with hand-grown and hand-picked Italian botanicals you must be of legal age to consume alcohol and to access this website (+18)


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